Thursday 31 January 2019

Strange Tidal Briefly

A Vertically Challenged Walk For Great Herons
And Woods-Creeping Kildeer,
In The Ebony Knotted Ceiling Of Stars,
Where All That Bellows Belong To A Handed
Bewilderment... Untame And 
Bearing Its Own Upon Its Pitted Back,
Plotted Black... Loss Of Worlds... Glass-Shattering...
A Brief Wash-Over, A Muddy Soft Reincarnation,
Throats Tightening Before The Sooty Docking 
Premonition Drives A Crowd Before A Cracking Whip,
Leaning Into The Support
Scratching Its Side Against The Posts,
Taking Into The Flesh For Confident Zealotry,
Pearls To The Everlasting Deep...
Minds To The Horizon,
Lost For Its Travels,
Nearing Not One Inch More...
And Now... A Switch... It Clicks Into Place,
The Lasting Cupping Of Hands,
Take What You Can... As It Pours Out, An Amber Burned Sunset...
Swirl Your Fingers... Trace The Licking Flames.

Ottawa,Ontario Tuesday November 27th 2018